Jade Caledon

Double Koi Prosperity Longquan Plate

Sale price Price $2,800.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

This is olive-toned jade celadon plate is a real antique from the 19th Century. It was made in the Ming style, and decorated with double koi's, a lotus flower, foliage and vines. 

The carved drawing depicts a small group of canoodling koi fish, who are typically believed to be bearers of good luck and prosperity. The added details of fauna and botany are done in a way that evokes a sense of fluidity and movement and aliveness in the image. Though there are rustic elements in terms of form and style, the thick glaze that is applied on top finishes the piece wonderfully with luxurious finesse that has lasted a century. Have a real piece of history in your home with this timeless antique "Dragon Spring" stoneware.